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Cleaner, sustainable effluent ponds

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The full potential of effluent management can be unlocked with a revolutionary concept that not only addresses issues like odours and blockages but also presents a sustainable solution, resulting in cost reduction and prolonged life for effluent ponds.

Managing solid effluent poses several challenges, including unpleasant odours, crust formation, pump blockages, and environmental risks when applied to paddocks. However, an innovative biological solution from MicroBio Solutions called Effluex has transformed effluent management in New Zealand. This groundbreaking product, which naturally decomposes solids, earned the prestigious 2023 Farm Source Innovation Award.

Effluex offers benefits that extend beyond maintaining a clean, odour-free effluent pond.

As it breaks down solids, it produces nutrient-rich brown water that seamlessly navigates the entire system, reducing the likelihood of blockages and minimising wear and tear.

Using Effluex also results in a decreased reliance on mechanical removal of solid waste from ponds, tanks, and their surroundings. This not only facilitates easier management but also leads to cost savings.

It operates by eliminating surface crust in effluent ponds and gradually removing accumulated sludge at the bottom. Through the breakdown of solids, it diminishes or eradicates odours, transforming the effluent into nutrient-rich water suitable for easier absorption by pasture and crops when applied to paddocks.

Maintaining a cleaner pond not only serves to safeguard the pond lining but also ensures the preservation of its integrity, reduces the risk of damage, and extends its lifespan.

For Niall McKenzie, Effluex has provided a simple solution for his basic effluent system. He sharemilks on two split-calving farms near Wellsford with heavy limestone soils. He started using Effluex in early 2023 on the larger farm that milks 500 cows.

"We’ve got a lot of lifestylers around us nowadays and I was getting conscious of our effluent system, particularly the smell and the challenges with using a slurry tanker. I wanted something more environmentally friendly and sustainable," he says.

Niall employed Effluex and it didn’t take long to see results.

"It’s great, there’s no smell and no debris sitting on the effluent pond. We don’t have to clean the nozzles out regularly. It really suits our simple system."

He recently extended the use of Effluex to his smaller, 300-cow farm.

"For the cost of Effluex, it seemed silly not to use it, I’m finding it’s a really good return on investment. and it’s really easy to use. I’ve started getting my team involved now too. It gets delivered each month in water-soluble bags, so we have turns at throwing them in to see how far we can get them."

Niall recommends the solution to other farmers but cautions it’s not a complete solution.

"It’s a good system but it is only part of being sustainable, there are still other components and maintenance to consider. But it’s certainly adding more value and stopping the crust on our ponds and the neighbours are happy."

To find out whether Effluex could be suitable for your system talk to your TSR or check out microbio.co.nz.

Article supplied by MicroBio