When choosing between feed types, it’s helpful to think about things like how much energy and protein the feed has, how much it costs, and what the potential environmental impact is.
When choosing between feed types, it’s helpful to think about things like how much energy and protein the feed has, how much it costs, and what the potential environmental impact is.
Think about any embedded emissions from feed imported into New Zealand, including how feed has been harvested. Imported feed can have ‘embedded’ emissions from it’s production, processing, harvesting and transportation all of which can contribute to your farm’s emissions footprint. For instance, Palm Kernel Extract (PKE) and soya-based products have deforestation emissions associated with them which increases their overall footprint.
Think about your feeding methods and practices. Harvest, store, and distribute homegrown and imported feed to minimise wastage and get the most value out of what you’re growing or buying in.
Feeding cows enough of the right quality feed, targeted to their nutrient requirements at different stages of the season, is the best way to ensure supplements are used profitably in your system.
Ensure you’re not overusing low-emission byproducts. These could affect your farm’s ability to achieve the farm-grown feed achievement as part of The Co-operative Difference.
Consider your feeding methods and practices. Calculating your pasture potential can help identify gaps in your feed or highlight opportunities for improvement.
Talk with your trusted feed advisor, to make a plan on the best approach to increase homegrown feed on your farm, and how to sustainably manage imported feed to minimise wastage and reduce on-farm emissions.
Or call our Farmer Support Team on 0800 65 65 68 for more options.