Optimise nitrogen fertiliser

Improving your pasture and crop response to nitrogen ensures it’s used by the farm efficiently and sustainably.

Create an annual plan for nitrogen fertiliser use

Use industry tools for feed and nutrient budgeting to help plan fertiliser inputs required. 

What you can do

Talk to your local fertiliser representative for support and advice. Fertiliser companies have great resources for planning application.

Choose the right fertiliser for your farm

Consider partner nutrients, like sulphur, and the impact of different fertilisers on a system.

Have a strategy for application – little and often

You will need to apply nitrogen regularly for the first 12-18 months of a new pasture’s life to ensure a resilient sward.

Nitrogen should be applied when plants are actively growing and when conditions are not too cold, or too dry or wet.

Rates of nitrogen used should be relatively light (around 25-30kg N/ha)

Apply nitrogen where crop or pasture can use it efficiently, considering environmental factors like soil temperature and rainfall.

Consider coated urea

Using coated urea in your system can reduce nitrous oxide losses, but also makes more nitrogen available for plants (so less fertiliser can be applied).

What you can do

Call your local TSR for advice to suit your farm’s conditions. If you aren't sure who your TSR is, you can use our booking form.

The right timing

Make sure nitrogen-boosted growth is eaten or harvested when it’s at peak quality. Use a feed budget and feed wedge to identify feed deficits for tactical use of nitrogen. 

What you can do

A good place to start is by reviewing your feed budget to determine if it’s working as hard as possible to support your decision-making. 

Looking for other ways to
optimise on-farm efficiency?

Get in touch

Have a question? We’re here to help

Get in touch with your local TSR or fertiliser company to find out more about nitrogen conversion efficiency. 

Or call our Farmer Support Team on 0800 65 65 68