Conquest is a reliable, grass-friendly contact herbicide that kills both brushweeds, and pasture weeds, including large, multi crown and/or difficult to kill species.
Contains the active ingredients picloram and triclopyr, Conquest was originally developed as a brushweed herbicide, for controlling several economically important weed species such as blackberry, gorse, matagouri and tutu.
"It is still widely used for this purpose, and is very effective," says Nufarm Territory Manager Joe Heng.
"But unlike some other products containing the same active ingredients, Conquest is also registered for spot spraying large pasture weeds."
This registration has helped increasing numbers of farmers reclaim good grazing from paddocks where pasture dry matter (DM) productivity has been compromised by broadleaf weed infestation.
"Instead of having to buy, store and apply two different types of herbicide, for two different types of weed, with Conquest you only need one. That’s less packaging to dispose of, too".
Cost-effective, fast acting and grass friendly, Conquest it takes out awkward weeds that other herbicides struggle to control, including alligator weed, horehound, inkweed, cape weed, goats rue, fennel and hemlock, docks and sorrel, Joe says.
"It’s also extremely effective on ragwort and thistles, especially large multi crown types that have escaped normal pasture sprays".
Conquest is absorbed through plant roots, stems and leaves meaning target weeds are best sprayed when actively growing.
Most common techniques for pasture weed control are knapsack and high volume gun and hose; it can also be applied with a carpet weedwiper or as a broadcast application, although broadcast spraying is only recommended where problem weeds such as ragwort, thistles and capeweed are very dense.
It should not be used in areas where susceptible crops, especially legumes, are to be sown soon after application.
Ask your local TSR or Farm Source team for more information on maximising your land and pasture this season with Conquest.
®Conquest is a registered trademark of Nufarm Australia Limited.