Diploid ryegrasses typically produce more tillers per plant than tetraploids, making them more tolerant to pugging and overgrazing1. Three60 diploid perennial ryegrass has a fine yet dense tillering habit, creating a more resilient pasture.
However, research shows that tetraploid ryegrasses can increase intake by about 3% due to their greater palatability2. They’ve also been shown to boost milk solid production by up to 7% through increased metabolisable energy3.
In the past, tetraploid ryegrasses were typically less robust and required more careful management. But Agricom’s new tetraploid perennial ryegrass Align, with AR37 endophyte, is changing the game on tetraploids. Align is Agricom’s smartest grass yet, characterised by dense, highly tillered leafy plants. With a late heading date, it offers the ultimate combination of resilience and quality. Align’s ability to remain dense during periods when tetraploids are typically vulnerable (such as in wet soils during winter and early spring) sets it apart. Additionally, its strong ability to remain in a vegetative state through summer, combined low aftermath seedhead and exceptional rust tolerance places Align in a league of its own.
Given that both Three60 diploid perennial and Align tetraploid perennial are late heading grasses with low aftermath seedhead make them ideal varieties for mixing. Any farmer looking to maximise their pasture quality, resilience and intake through combining a tetraploid and a diploid should consider mixing these two leading varieties.