According to Dairy NZ the liver damage caused by the toxin (sporidesmin) when ingested can reduce milk production by up to 50%.1 Not all animals affected by FE will show physical signs (clinical), although liver damage (subclinical) has occurred, and this results in lower animal performance and impacts animal welfare. It is estimated that for every clinical case there will be 10 animals with subclinical FE.
Why do we still see facial eczema symptoms?
The Time Capsule® boluses take the guess work out of preventing facial eczema because:
Once FE has affected livestock, nothing can be done to repair the liver damage. Zinc is only effective if used before and during danger periods. Therefore, The Time Capsules should be administered before spore counts get too high, before liver damage occurs and before production losses start. If you are seeing the signs of FE in your stock then the use of The Time Capsule will help to reduce further impact of the disease. The Time Capsule® gives you confidence that your animals are rapidly protected in the face of an FE challenge.
Always refer to the label. The Time Capsule® is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, nos A7600, A7763, A7931, A9006, A6275 and A10857.