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Get the most out of your summer forage

  • Animals
  • Animal Wellbeing
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As we approach summer and the grass becomes higher in fibre (Neutral Detergent Fibre or NDF), we generally see a drop in milk production due to the lower energy (and protein) in the grass. 

At the same time, we see increases in ambient temperature all of which contribute to a decline in milk production per cow often observed during the summer months.

In this context, the rumen specific live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 (Levucell® SC) has demonstrated improvements in both nutrient digestion and rumen efficiency across a range of forage NDF types and has been shown to help minimise the effects of high ambient temperatures on dairy production by improving rumination behaviour.

Levucell® SC helps boost the efficiency with which feed is transformed into energy, principally through an improved utilisation of fibrous material. 

Animals fed Levucell® SC exhibit higher populations of fibre-digesting rumen microbiota (fungi and bacteria), which help digest the higher fibre (NDF) in summer grass to produce energy for  milk production. 

The mechanism of action of Levucell®  SC on fibre degrading activities is  based on stimulating and encouraging the colonisation of specific rumen bacteria and fungi, which “open up” the fibres in the rumen allowing access  to the microbes for digestion and  energy production. 

These effects and mechanisms of  action have been demonstrated through more than 100 scientific publications over the 25-plus years since this strain was discovered in partnership with INRAE  in France.

The effects of Levucell® SC live yeast  on minimising the production effects of high ambient temperatures/ humidity have been well studied. 

In a trial conducted at the University of Florida in high environmental conditions, using Levucell® SC at both a standard and double dose, it was  found that Levucell® SC improved the feed efficiency by 1.9% at standard  dose but this increased to 7% at a  double dose.

It has also been shown that the total antioxidant status of the cows is lower in the summer, which contributes to poorer animal performance over this time. This can be exacerbated by the effects of mycotoxins often present in low NDF summer grasses. Mycotoxins are present all the time, however the risk for cows increases when the environment around the feed changes, for example, hot spots and warm, humid weather. Mycotoxin binders can help reduce the impact of food borne mycotoxins.

Nutritech has developed a Rumen Health Pack solution for summer, containing Levucell® SC, Melofeed® primary antioxidant, Vitamin E, organic selenium and an ACVM registered mycotoxin binder (Fusion™ DYAD) to help alleviate these effects during  the warmer months.

Live yeasts like Levucell® SC or a combination of products including primary and secondary anti-oxidants  and mycotoxin binders are useful tools to combat the negative effects of summer forages and high environmental temperatures on cow performance.

Chaucheyras-Durand, et al., 2012. Marsala et al, 2010. 
Turk et al, 2015.