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Looking to the future is key for Southland farmer

  • People & Community
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When you ask Southland farmer Grant Cochrane about the future of dairy, he highlights that things are changing.

"That's a tricky question to answer because I guess when you've grown up with things reasonably straight-forward, and all of a sudden what's expected of us changes massively, that is confronting to manage. But at the same time, the world needs food."

Grant grew up passionate about the land, and his cows, and has always enjoyed the hands-on element of farming. "Now you've got to just be so onto it and spend so much time in the office. I left school to become a farmer because I'd rather be outdoors."

But that's not to say Grant is against the transformation taking place. He sees The Co-operative Difference programme as a way to set a high standard going forward, to ensure a long-term future for farming. "I do think it makes everyone just pull their finger out a little bit more."

And when it comes to support, he applauds the Co-op.

"They're bloody good. We need that support because we all have to evolve our businesses now to stay ahead of these changes. Having their help is fantastic," says Grant.

"Young people coming into farming are not going to know any different and will be more prepared for the new approach" he says. "They know how it is right from the get-go, whereas an old bugger like me has to change and do things differently."

Although, the experience for Grant runs deeper than just help to stay ahead of a changing industry. After 42 years in farming, Grant's business has grown significantly. What began as a family farm in Reporoa is now a multi-farm operation, as well as support land. "Things have grown in complexity over time - there are so many facets of the business for me and my team to think about now."

Fonterra's assistance and advice along the way has been "wonderful," he says.

That's where Grant feels the support of the Co-operative is important. He's been a member since it's inception and feels an emotional tie to Fonterra. "I've always believed that the Co-op was a good thing. I always wanted to be a part of that."

They did a fair bit of work to sort out their balance sheet and they're leading the way again. If another farmer approached me and said 'what do you think about leaving?', I would probably say 'just stay with Fonterra.' That would be my opinion now."

Success starts with your farm. Find out more at fonterra.com/todayandtomorrow.