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Pasture’s perfect partner

  • Pasture & Cropping
  • Partnerships
  • On Farm

When it comes to dairy farming, the significance of high-quality pasture cannot be overstated. It serves as a nutritious and cost-effective source of feed. However, to ensure high milk production throughout the season, additional support is often necessary. 

Maize silage emerges as the perfect partner to pasture, offering a wide array of benefits that  contribute to productivity, pasture management, high-producing dairy cows, environmental  sustainability, and farm profitability.


Maize silage plays a crucial role in boosting productivity on dairy farms. It serves as an ideal feed supplement, particularly when pasture cover dips. Feed shortages, especially in early lactation, can increase condition score loss, resulting in an increase of metabolic diseases. By incorporating maize silage, farmers can extend the grazing round length to get more days in milk in the autumn. In summer dry regions, it can be used to enable earlier calving so more of the milk production can be achieved pre-Christmas. Maize silage also contains the perfect balance of fibre and carbohydrates, and milk produced from maize silage is consistently high in quality.

Pasture Management

Effective pasture management is key to a successful dairy operation, and maize silage proves to be a valuable tool in this regard. By planting maize silage on farm, farmers can reduce the spring pasture peak and its associated costs, making it easier to manage pasture growth rates. Maize silage also allows for the manipulation of pasture cover, preventing under or overgrazing and keeping the pastures in their most productive phase.

High-Producing Dairy Cows

For high-producing dairy cows, maize silage offers a multitude of advantages. The energy in maize silage is utilised more efficiently than that in autumn pasture for increasing cow condition, resulting in increased milk production, better cycling and subsequently, a tighter calving spread. Feeding maize silage in the late dry period reduces the dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) decreasing the risk of milk fever.

Perfect for the Environment

Maize silage not only benefits the farm operation but also contributes to environmental sustainability. It lowers urinary nitrogen levels and reduces Scope 3 emissions, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Moreover, the ability of maize to mine soil nitrogen that pasture cannot reach, results in significant environmental benefits, paving the way for more sustainable farming practices.

Perfect for Farm Profitability

Maize silage directly impacts farm profitability. By reducing the need for costly pasture silage to manage spring surpluses and improving cow condition, maize silage can help maximise farm profitability. Its effectiveness in enhancing milk production, maintaining animal health, and lowering overall operational costs makes it a valuable tool for any dairy farm.

In conclusion, maize silage stands as the perfect partner for pastures on dairy farms, offering a comprehensive range of benefits that contributes to productivity, pasture management, high-producing dairy cows, environmental sustainability, and farm profitability. With its many advantages, maize silage proves to be an invaluable asset for dairy farmers striving for operational excellence and sustainable practices.

To find out if maize is the perfect partner for your pasture, have a chat with your local Farm Source TSR or local Pioneer Area Manager.