• Dairy Hygiene & Shed Supplies

Setting yourself up for successful sleep-ins

  • Dairy Hygiene & Shed Supplies

Getting prepared to head away for time off-farm to recharge the batteries can be a stressful time.

There are many things to think about to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible for your relief staff - and that you can enjoy your time away.

The roles and responsibilities of the relief milkers vary depending on if they are sole-charge or just helping another staff member. Whatever their role, it's important to make sure they know exactly what's required of them to avoid concerns on either side. Here are a few tips to consider:

  1. Familiarise the relief milker with your systems in the shed and your farm's Food Safety Practices and Procedures, and take them through a milking before you go away. Explain any things unique in your specific shed.
  2. Ensure no products will run out while you're away such as:
    • chemicals
    • teat spray
    • filter socks
    • treatments
  3. Show them the standard operating practices for starting up machines, and how to put the vat and plant wash through. Get them to show you how to do it beforehand.
  4. Ensure they know milking times. Contact Fonterra in advance if milking times will vary while relief workers are in charge. Avoid making them feel they need to rush the milking.
  5. Explain the process for identifying sick cows and what should they do if any new cows are identified. Technology can be valuable; ask relief staff to take photos or videos, or Facetime with you so you don't have to return to the farm early. Clearly write up any cows under withhold, what treatments they need and when they can be returned into the vat. Clearly mark any three titters.
  6. Provide maps detailing which paddocks the herd/s are grazing and when, and set up fences before going away if possible.
  7. Give them access to any useful apps such as the Fonterra On Farm app to track milk quality and see collection times.