1. If new pasture is to establish and persist, then any problems need to be addressed before sowing.
- These include compaction, poor soil condition, low soil fertility, pasture pests, weeds, and physical conditions such as poor drainage, otherwise they will continue to cause problems in the future and impact pasture production and persistency.
- Check out our pre-sow checklist
2. Soil fertility deficits also need to be corrected, so that the new pasture species will establish and thrive. Failure to address soil fertility will increase the likelihood of low-fertility pasture species dominating the paddock.
3. Soil test at least 6 months before sowing; if possible, 12 months before sowing.
- Pasture prefers a pH between 5.8 and 6.0. If soil pH needs adjusting, lime needs to be applied - it will take at least 6 months to have an effect on soil pH. Soil testing early also allows sufficient time to correct the nutrient levels with a suitable base fertiliser.
- Sample using a 75mm soil probe. Soil test a transect (line) across the paddock. Avoid areas that are not typical of the paddock, e.g. fence lines, stock camps close to troughs and urine patches. Samples can be collected in either autumn or spring. Do not sample within 3 months of applying fertiliser or lime, or when soil is saturated.
4. Putting a crop in before going back to permanent pasture is a good way to buy yourself some time to achieve any of the above requirements.
5. In a grass-to-grass situation, a pre-sow spray out allows you to start strong with a clean seed bed. Remove all potential competition for your new pasture varieties. In a spray-out situation, its important to make sure the pasture has at least 1.5 leaf for sufficient chemical uptake and good kill.