
Here are our top tips to help you and your family remain cyber safe.


Fraudulent online activities are on the rise and scammers keep coming up with more creative ways to take advantage of people's good nature and/or sense of fear. We have seen a significant increase in scams like phishing emails and the spread of misinformation.

Secure your credentials

Your user IDs and passwords are personal to you and should never be shared with anyone. Sharing passwords not only puts your information at risk, but is also in breach of our terms and conditions. If you have a third party that needs access to information contained within your account, please call the Customer Support Team on 0800 731 266 or manage access to your farm online.

If you have shared your Farm Source account details with others, please change your password immediately and ensure no one else has access to it. It's also a good opportunity to check that farm workers no longer employed with you do not have access to your online accounts.

Password managers

A password manager is software that securely stores all your passwords. Password managers:

  • Stop you writing down your passwords on paper.
  • Help with simplifying entering your username and password into apps and websites.
  • Act as a safe that you put your passwords in to keep them secure.
  • Help to stop you using the same password across all of your apps and websites.
  • Provide you with quick and easy access to your passwords across different web browsers and devices.

Multi-factor or two-factor authentication (MFA or 2FA)

Turning on multi-factor/two-factor authentication is an easy way to add another layer of security to your logins and accounts, usually by entering a code from another device well as your password.

  • Passwords are inherently insecure - they are guessable, can be stored and transmitted in plain text, and are often re-used.
  • Even if a hacker knows your password, with MFA in place they still can't get to your accounts.
  • You can use MFA for most email, social media, banking and shopping accounts, as well as to access your devices.
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Phishing scams

Be wary of any unexpected or suspicious emails or texts. Look out for the following signs:

  • Playing on fear and urgency 

    Any legitimate source will write in a calm, credible voice.

  • Asking for credentials and/or personal or financial information

    Keep an eye out for suspicious emails or texts requesting sensitive information.

  • Using an unfamiliar greeting

    Look out for emails with overly formal greetings such as 'Sir/Madam' and where the sender does not know your name.

  • Sending from a dubious email address

    Always check that the actual email address the email was sent from is genuine and from a known person.

  • Spelling and grammar errors

    Not all phishing emails will have noticeable errors in there – but many will, so keep an eye out for this.

Keep your Farm Source log in details to yourself and only use it on the official Farm Source website. If you are ever concerned about your account's security, please get in touch with us.

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Social media and misinformation

Publicly available information on social media can be used to steal people's identity and hack accounts and is becoming more and more common. Check your privacy settings are limited to known friends and family and ensure people you don't know can't see your personal information.

Also be aware of misinformation, regularly spread via social media and private messaging platforms. Whilst misinformation doesn't always have the same financial impact as some types of cyber-criminal scams, it can be used to cause panic and promote harmful medical practices.

Be very careful about the volume of misinformation around and only use official websites for information. Don't be taken in by everything you read on social media, and don't be part of the problem by sharing it.