The cow’s metabolism is operating at extremes. She has just given birth, started lactating and her rumen is adapting and expanding to an increased intake, which to begin with, lags behind her lactation curve. To meet the demands of lactation, she is using her body reserves to supply the nutrient and is in what is known as a negative energy balance. From giving birth to mating, as a rule of thumb, the cow should not lose more than one body condition score. If she calves down with a body condition score of 5-5.5 she should be mated at the recommended body condition score of 4-4.5. Mating at a body condition score of less than 4, increases the chances of her taking longer to cycle and reduced fertility, impacting 6 week in-calf rates.
To improve reproductive success, it is critical that the cow shifts to a positive energy balance prior to mating, where her consumption provides the nutrients she requires to support lactation, rather than using her own body reserves.
To minimise delayed calving and empties, it’s crucial to adopt a nutritional approach that ensures feed consistency of both quality and quantity. Cows should be on a rising plane of nutrition with a high-quality feed allowance, which allows them to achieve better body condition and reproductive function during mating. Ensuring feed availability and supplementing nutritional deficiency gaps, even during hostile weather, is critical to timely cycling.
To ensure any pasture shortages and energy deficits, feeding a high-energy feed is recommended. Starch is a great tool to contribute energy but also optimise the rumen microbes’ ability to utilise nutrients more efficiently, improving the cows feed utilisation. SealesWinslow’s Hi Energy Hi Starch is a pellet option containing a range of starches with different breakdown rates. This ensures a longer availability of starch and a more stable and efficient rumen environment. Additionally, this superb pellet also contains bypass fats, which provide targeted energy, tailored for cows to get in calf and maintain pregnancy.
Trace minerals help support mating and boost metabolic performance. Trace elements such as copper, selenium and iodine provide essential support for strong heats and help conception to take and hold. These minerals are especially important as they are often deficient in New Zealand soils, yet can be easily supplemented with a quality formulation such as Seales Winslow’s water-soluble Micromax range. It is specifically formulated to offset regional pastoral deficiencies in our soils and includes a concentrated blend of micronutrients to support the metabolism and immune system in the month prior to calving through until the second round of mating. The range includes an option with organic copper – ideal for situations where high levels of iron in the soil inhibit copper absorption.
Improving cow condition and ensuring we provide her with the fuel she needs to perform at her optimum, ensures that reproductive and performance targets are met. Managing our herds efficiently improves overall profitability in tough economic times.
Talk to the team at Farm Source to find out more about SealesWinslow Hi Energy Hi Starch pellets and Micromax.