Farm Source Pasture Options

Whether you are renewing pastures post crop or improving existing pasture, we have an option to suit. 

Pasture Packs

Each of our Farm Source Pasture Packs contain a specialised mix of seed to meet the variations in insect control, climate, soil type, paddock use and farm facilities to deliver the best possible results.

All seed in our Pasture Packs have been cool stored in facilities that exceed industry standards and have been tested to ensure high levels of active endophyte.

Yellow bag

Yellow Pack

The Yellow Pack suits farm systems targeting high animal performance, providing high quality and high yield across all seasons.

Ryegrass type: Tetraploid Perennial
Endophyte options: NEA2
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated
Heading date: Late +15 days

  • This pack contains the class-leading 4front, which is the unbeaten tetraploid perennial ryegrass in the Industry National Forage Variety Trials, and rated 5-stars in the 2023 DairyNZ Forage Value Index across all New Zealand regions.
  • 4front has very high palatability and ME, so can increase animal intakes and performance.
  • Grazed well it can improve your environmental outcomes, through reducing N leaching and GHG (greenhouse gas) production. Go to the Barenbrug New Zealand website for further information.
  • It contains the NEA2 endophyte, for superior animal performance and great insect control.
  • This pack contains the high performance white clover combination of Kotuku and Ruru. Kotuku is a large leaved clover with exceptional DM yield, and Ruru is a new medium leaved with excellent persistence and delivering extra summer yield and protein.

Note: Grass is also available as a straight line or for custom mixing if required.

4FRONT | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 22kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 1kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 30-35kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 30-35kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 20-25kg
Orange bag

Orange Pack

The Orange Pack is a unique combination of tetraploid and diploid perennial ryegrasses, providing a great balance of high palatability, density and persistence.

Ryegrass type: Tetraploid/Diploid Perennial Mix
Endophyte options: NEA4 (Maxsyn), NEA2 (4front)
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated
Heading date: Late +15 days (4front), +8 days (Maxsyn)

  • Maxsyn and 4front have proven themselves as class leading performers for diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass respectively.
  • 4front has very high palatability and ME so can increase animal intakes, animal performance and environmental outcomes. But straight tetraploids don’t suit every farm, so we’ve added diploid Maxsyn to increase pasture density and robustness. For many this mix provides a near ideal balance of animal performance and long term yield.
  • Maxsyn contains NEA4 endophyte, and 4front NEA2, both providing superior animal performance and good insect control.
  • This pack contains the high performance white clover combination of Kotuku and Ruru. Kotuku is a large leaved clover with exceptional DM yield, and Ruru is a new medium leaved with excellent persistence and delivering extra summer yield and protein.

NOTE: Grass is also available as a straight line or for custom mixing if required.

MAXSYN | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 9kg
4FRONT | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 13kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 1kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 29-32kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 29kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Purple bag

Purple Pack

Our top-seller, the Purple Pack is the next gen in pasture for high performance farm systems, delivering very strong persistence and superior growth, with an animal-safe endophyte.

Ryegrass type: Diploid Perennial
Endophyte options: NEA4
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated
Heading date: Mid-Late +8 days

  • Maxsyn NEA4 sets a new level of DM yield, with its key strength in summer and autumn. Superior tillering through summer helps persistence, and improves autumn growth, while providing extra warm season feed when needed. Visually you can see the difference, with Maxsyn holding its green colour longer into hot summer conditions.
  • Maxsyn is densely tillered and easier to graze in spring, encouraging the development of new daughter tillers for the coming season, again enhancing persistence and yield. NEA4 endophyte provides very good insect control, while being staggers-safe for dairy cows and cattle.
  • The Purple Pack contains the high performance white clover combination of Kotuku and Ruru. Kotuku is a large leaved clover with exceptional DM yield, and Ruru is a new medium leaved with excellent persistence and delivering extra summer yield and protein.
MAXSYN | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 21kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 2kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 25-30kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 25kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Blue bag

Blue Pack

The Blue Pack suits farm systems desiring strong year round production with noted quality and persistence.

Ryegrass type: Diploid Perennial
Endophyte options: AR37
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated
Heading date: Late +12 days

  • Platform is a diploid perennial ryegrass, with high year round dry matter production and noted cool season activity.
  • Platform’s late heading date (12 days later than Nui) combined with a dense fine leaf structure and low aftermath seed head production produces quality feed to assist with the maintenance of peak milk production.
  • A solid performing cultivar in independent National Forage Variety Trials, and in 2023 DairyNZ Forage Value Index rated 4-Stars in the lower North Island.
  • Platform contains AR37 providing protection from major pasture pest including Black Beetle, Porina, Argentine Stem Weevil larvae, Root Aphid and Pasture Mealy Bug.
  • Bred from a combination of elite New Zealand genetics and North-west Spanish material that has undergone testing and selection to ensure adaptability across New Zealand.

NOTE: Grass is also available as a straight line or for custom mixing if required.

PLATFORM | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 21kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 2kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 25-30kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 25kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Gold bag

Gold II Pack

The Gold II Pack has proven its performance across many farm systems, helping to provide year round yield and a robust, high feed value pasture.

Ryegrass type: Diploid Perennial
Endophyte options: AR37
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated or Bare
Heading date: Late +8 days

  • Includes Governor AR37 a fine leaved, dense and persistent perennial ryegrass that’s proven to be a great all-round pasture, with good spring and autumn yield. It’s fine dense habit can help in wet situations, giving more soil protection against treading damage.
  • The Gold II pack has AR37 endophyte, so is particularly suited to areas affected by porina, although should not be considered a stand alone defence against porina.
  • AR37 endophyte is not recommended for pasture grazed by deer or horses due to the risk of ryegrass staggers.
  • This pack contains the high performance white clover combination of Kotuku and Ruru. Kotuku is a large leaved clover with exceptional DM yield, and Ruru is a new medium leaved with excellent persistence and delivering extra summer yield and protein.

NOTE: Grass is also available as a straight line or for custom mixing if required.

GOVERNOR | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 21kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 2kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 25-30kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 25kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Teal bag

Teal Pack

The Teal Pack contains Legion AR37 which was bred solely from late heading perennial ryegrass plants that have been individually screened for persistence, rust tolerance and vigour in Canterbury, Palmerston North, Waikato and Northland.

Ryegrass type: Perennial
Endophyte options: AR37
Seed treatment options: Agricote Treated
Heading date: Late +12-14 days

  • Legion has been in 6 completed National Forage Variety Trials and is in 9 on going yield trials. Legion is a very high performing perennial ryegrass that is well suited to dairy pastures and runoffs. It is highly palatable, particularly in mid-summer when other ryegrass varieties may begin to clump due to residual seedhead development.
  • Legion is a highly vegetative variety, with a thick growth density while also being fast to establish making it well suited to undersowing programmes.
  • Legion has consistently been one of the top yield performers all year round, no matter the region, taking out the top spot for Autumn yields in the National Forage Variety Trials.
  • Legion has extremely low aftermath heading for a perennial ryegrass and very high crown rust tolerance.
  • AR37 endophyte offers long-term, natural protection to porina and rootaphid. It also provides very good control of Argentine stem weevil larvae while not compromising milk production.
LEGION | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 21kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 2kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 25-30kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 25kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Burgundy bag

Burgundy Pack

The Burgundy Pack is suited to dairy farms where yield advantages can be realised. One50 diploid perennial ryegrass provides excellent summer, autumn and winter production with year round quality and palatability.

Ryegrass type: Diploid Perennial
Endophyte options: AR37
Seed treatment options: Treated
Heading date: Late +20 days

  • Due to it's proven performance, ONE50 has been the most preferred perennial ryegrass by New Zealand farmers for the last six years.
  • Highly productive perennial ryegrass with the ability to stay green under summer stress, as well as exhibiting high rust tolerance.
  • AR37 endophyte offers the best long-term natural protection to porina and root aphid. It also provides very good control of Argentine stem weevil larvae while not compromising milk production.

NOTE: Grass is also available as a straight line or for custom mixing if required.

ONE50 | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 21kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 2kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 2kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 25-30kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 25kg
Undersowing - into existing pasture 15-20kg
Barenbrug bag


Array Pack

Array NEA2 is the new superstar, bred for the good of both animals, and the environment.

Ryegrass type: Diploid Perennial
Endophyte options: NEA2
Heading date: +23

  • Easy to eat
    Array is the diploid perennial ryegrass hard-working cows have been hoping for. Upright, leafy and densely tillered, it’s customised for easy eating and high intake. Animals will naturally eat more as a result, and have more time to relax, ruminate and produce meat or milk
  • Unbeaten yield
    Nothing else yields more dry matter in the National Forage Variety Trials. And with a 5-Star rating in the 2023 DairyNZ Forage Value Index nationwide.
  • Great cool season growth
    Array has the best cool season growth of any perennial ryegrass Barenbrug has bred. That helps fill the gap when feed is short and makes farms more resilient so they can adapt to shifting climatic patterns.
  • Very persistent
    Array NEA2 has Barenbrug’s highest ranking for pasture persistence. It’s as good as Maxsyn NEA4.
  • Eats N for breakfast
    In trials, Array has grown significantly more feed under low N conditions than other ryegrass cultivars.
  • What does this mean on farm?
    First, more even pasture growth at times when soil nitrogen is deficient, something that happens on virtually every farm at some stage during the year. Second, a win for the environment, because this provides the potential to utilise nitrogen more efficiently.
ARRAY NEA2 | Perennial Ryegrass Treated
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated
Barenbrug bag

Diverse Pasture Mix

This mix is for farmers looking to sow a pasture with a diverse range of species, with different grasses, clovers and herbs.


  • It has the densely tillered and high yielding Maxsyn NEA4 perennial ryegrass along with the very persistent Rohan NEA2 spreading perennial ryegrass.
  • Safin superfine cocksfoot, Bareno pasture brome and timothy provide diversity in stock diet, and good growth on the shoulders of the season.
  • The top yielding Tabu+ increases DM yield through establishment and the first winter.
  • The top performing white, red and annual clovers increase the feed quality, and provide extra nitrogen fixation. Annual clovers and Coolamon improve the spring clover content.
  • The deep taproot of both Morrow red clover and 501 chicory increases forage production, and ME and protein in summer.
  • Captain plantain supplies diet diversity for stock, and the environmental benefits of lower N footprint.

Management tips

  • With limited weed control options, more careful paddock choice is required to reduce the risk of perennial weeds becoming present.
  • It is also important to have a well-prepared seed bed and weed control programme prior to sowing this.
  • No specific differences from a standard mix, with regards to nutrient applications, however having a good base of soil nutrient status will aid with the performance of all the species.

Available as treated or bare seed.

MAXSYN | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 5kg 6kg
SAFIN | Superfine Cocksfoot Treated 3kg 4kg
ROHAN | Perennial Ryegrass Treated 2kg 2kg
TIMOTHY Treated 1kg 1kg
BARENO | Grazing Brome Bare 3kg 4kg
TABU+ | Italian Ryegrass Treated 2kg 2kg
KOTUKU | White Clover Treated 1kg 1kg
RURU | White Clover Treated 1kg 1kg
MORROW MS | Red Clover Treated 3kg 4kg
LASER | Persian Clover Treated 1kg 1kg
COOLAMON | Sub-Clover Treated 1kg 1kg
501 | Chicory Treated 1kg 1kg
Captain | Cool Season Plantain Treated 1kg 1kg
Total   25kg 36kg
Drilling or broadcasting - cultivating seedbed 36kg
Direct drilling - sprayed out pasture 36kg

Custom seed mixing

We can custom mix seed for you using our access to all the seed varieties and expertise from leading seed production companies including Barenbrug, Agricom, PGG Wrightson Seeds and RAGT. We'll work with you to ensure you get the pasture that meets your farm's feed requirements.

Your local TSR can visit to make a recommendation about your pasture options and work with you on your feed plan, taking into account the individual factors and environmental conditions affecting your farm.

Annuals are a winter active 6-8 month option. They are highly valued for their winter and early spring production. Often planted prior to cropping or between crops. They typically establish very quickly so can be ready for their 1st grazing at 6 weeks. Be aware of nitrate poisoning.

Hogan Tetraploid Barenbrug +16
Winter Star II Tetraploid PGG Wrightson +9
Tama Tetraploid Common +14
Sultan Diploid RAGT +15

Italians are similar in establishment and winter growth as an annual but will last from 18 months or longer with good conditions. 
Excellent to use for undersowing or if you’re undecided on cropping.

Tabu+   Diploid Barenbrug +11
Manta AR37 Diploid Italian Agricom +15
Lush AR37 Tetraploid PGG Wrightson +12

Hybrids have perennial and Italian parentage and typically last 3 years, longer in good conditions. Ideal for undersowing or a “crop” of grass. Better winter growth and faster establishment than perennials but more persistent then an Italian. Advantage of endophyte too!

Forge NEA Tetraploid Barenbrug +11 3-5 years
Shogun NEA2 Tetraploid Barenbrug +13 2-3 years
Mohaka AR37 Tetraploid Agricom +20 2-4 years

Pasture packs come with mixture of grass seed and clover. Most pasture packs are Diploid ryegrass so typically planted at a 25kg bag per ha. Pasture packs with Tetraploid ryegrass are sown at a higher rate. For undersowing, sow Diploid ryegrass at 10-15kg/ha and Tetraploids at 18-25kg/ha.

Array NEA2 Diploid Barenbrug +23  
Maxsyn NEA4 Diploid Barenbrug +8 Purple, Orange
Governor AR37 or AR1 Diploid Barenbrug +8 Gold II
4front NEA2 Tetraploid Barenbrug +15 Yellow, Orange
Legion AR1 & AR37 Diploid Agricom +12-14 Teal
One50 AR37, AR1 & LE Diploid Agricom +20 Burgundy
Reason AR37 Diploid Agricom +3  
Three60 AR37 Diploid Agricom +20  
Base AR37 & AR1 Tetraploid PGG Wrightson +22  
Platform AR37 & AR1 Diploid PGG Wrightson +12 Blue
Hustle RGT18 Diploid RAGT +8  

White clovers are typically sown at around 4kg/ha in a pasture mix. Usually with a 2kg:2kg mix of large and medium leaved clovers. 
Red clovers are typically sown at 4-6kg/ha.

Kotuku Large Barenbrug
Ruru  Medium Barenbrug
Legacy Large PGG Wrightsons
Quartz Medium PGG Wrightsons
Brace Large Agricom
Mainstay   Agricom
Tribute   Agricom
Relish Red Clover   Agricom
Morrow Red Clover   Barenbrug


  • Annual Ryegrass
    Similar to an Italian ryegrass with fast establishment, good winter feed growth and value which generally persists for 6-9 months.
  • Italian Ryegrass
    Italian ryegrasses are natural bi-annuals, they are characterised by a strong establishment and last 12-18 months or longer depending on conditions. Generally more persistent than annual ryegrass.
  • Hybrid Ryegrass
    Generally derived from crossing perennial ryegrass and Italian ryegrass. Good feed quality and winter growth. Typically persist from 2-5 years, depending on conditions, grass genetics and endophyte.
  • Perennial Ryegrass
    Excellent base for permanent pasture mix, with good stock palatability and establishes well. The most commonly used permanent pasture grass in New Zealand.

The main difference between diploid and tetraploid ryegrass is their palatability and feed value (ME), with tetraploids easier to graze with a higher pasture quality than a similarly managed diploid ryegrass.

Tetraploid ryegrasses are naturally higher in sugars which makes them more palatable to livestock and improves intake and production.

Tetraploids have four sets of chromosomes per cell, with diploid ryegrasses having only two sets of chromosomes per cell.

Diploids combine yield and robustness. They have more tillers per plant and due to the lower water content per cell have a higher dry matter per kg of feed. Most ryegrass and red clovers cultivars are diploid.

An endophyte is a fungus found in many grass species including ryegrass. It provides the plant with protection from insects. There are several types of endophytes available, understanding which is more suitable for your farm system will help you to maximise productivity.

Seed treatment is the process of coating individual seeds with a mix of chemicals to protect and help ensure good establishment. The coatings contain insecticide and fungicide to help protect young plants from insect attack and disease and will last approximately six weeks post-sowing. Seed treatment gives good control of low to moderate insect pressure.

Treated seed may not be suitable in all situations or a wider control programme may be required. For more information, contact your local Farm Source TSR.

Hybrid ryegrasses are bred from perennial ryegrass and Italian ryegrass to combine the best features of both parent species.

They range from types that resemble Italian ryegrass more (traditionally known as short-rotation ryegrasses), with high yields of larger-leaved forage, persisting from 2-4 years, to types almost as persistent as perennial ryegrass (traditionally called long-rotation ryegrass). Some cultivars may contain the same endophyte as described for perennial ryegrass.

Hybrid ryegrasses are frequently added to perennial pasture seed mixtures to provide increased winter production during the first few years and to boost animal performance in cooler regions. They are commonly sown in late summer/autumn to provide increased winter/early spring production.

Array NEA2 is the new superstar, bred for the good of both animals, and the environment.

Suggested sowing rates
Hybrid ryegrass are usually Tetraploids, with large seeds. Therefore a full sward would be planted at 30-35kg/ha. A Diploid would be planted at 20-30kg/ha. Hybrids are a great option to be undersown into perennial pastures at 13-18kg/ha for Tetraploids or 10-15kg/ha for Diploids.