These aren't strict rules or requirements. They're simply frameworks to navigate any potential issues that are likely to affect the future and things to consider in your future planning.
We've developed them from our conversations with customers, overseas markets, communities and our regulators and we'll review these regularly to make sure they're up to date.
Consider how you can more actively give to, or participate in the Co-op:
Organisations that have the ability to adapt, change and innovate to overcome challenges and seize opportunities will increasingly thrive. The Co-op will need to challenge existing structures and operating models to ensure that it is well-placed to compete on an ongoing basis.
The agricultural growth model we have had is changing and increasingly profitability will come from efficiency - not capital growth.
In some cases, this will require diversification or changes in land use with implications for both individual farmers and the Co-operative.
Full farm assessments will play an increasing role in ensuring the success of farming businesses by ensuring they are fit for the changing regulatory, financial and societal structures they are operating in.
Changing the Capital Structure will allow farmers to make different business decisions.
Get ready for the future now by adopting the practices of our leading farmers:
Get ready for the future now by adopting the practices of our leading farmers:
Get ready for the future now by adopting the practices of our leading farmers:
Increasing expectations from our customers that we can demonstrate effective management of labour and health and safety standards.
Get ready for the future now by adopting the practices of our leading farmers:
Get ready for the future now by adopting the practices of our leading farmers: