Keep up to date with the latest on our strategy


Check out the videos below to learn more about our six strategic choices and how we’ll measure our progress against our strategy.

Farm Source Director -
Anne Douglas

President Global Markets Ingredients - Richard Allen

Greater China CEO -
Teh-han Chow

Chief Operating Officer -
Anna Palairet

Director of Sustainability -
Charlotte Rutherford

Chief Innovation & Brand Officer - Komal Mistry-Mehta

Chief Financial Officer -
Andrew Murray

Chief Financial Officer -
Andrew Murray


Strategy update webinar

On the 20th of May 2024, Chairman Peter McBride and CEO Miles Hurrell led a conversation with Shareholders about the outcomes of the Co-op’s recent strategic review.

My Connect Farmer Conference

'Ask us Anything' with Peter McBride and Miles Hurrell

This video includes highlights from the 'Ask us Anything' session with our Chairman and CEO at the My Connect Conference in May. It covers questions related to our Co-op's revised strategic direction. To see all of the videos from My Connect go here.


Media Release - Fonterra announces step change in strategic direction